Mrs. Winchesters application of the latest technological innovations in her mansion, demonstrate both her scientific background and her passion for keeping up with new discoveries. With regard to Cressida, most people presume that Sarah is alluding to the young maidens flirtatious nature. In fact, the traditional, orthodox, scholastic view of Cressida is that she is a whore. But this is not the point that Bacon (writing as Shakespeare) is trying to make, nor is it the point Sarah is trying to make. After . The Winchester algorithm is a simplified variation of Quaternions, except it only uses real numbers (instead of Hamiltons imaginary numbers). Yet, everything in the pattern leads to the circleand, everything emanates from it. However, she also keyed on the Master number 11, as it applies to her name. above-ground portion of the Wirt family vault is a granite monument to William Wirt that measures eight feet square at the base with a roughly twelve . Sarah adhered both to Bacons Kabbalistic theosophy and the theosophical perspective held by Rudolph Steiner (1861- 1925). Sarah and William had one daughter, Annie Pardee Winchester, who was born on June 15, 1866 and died on July 25, 1866 of marasmus.[6]. We are forced to ask if Sarah wants us to view these as two, separate 7s or as the number 77 ? The Private Pavilion at Yale New Haven Hospital was then renamed in his honour. This serves the practical purpose of being far from the distraction of outside noise. From shortly after her husband died in 1881 until her own death in 1922, rifle heiress Sarah Winchester lived alone. After his death, his wife, Sarah, became notable for building Llanada Villa, later known as Winchester Mystery House . It should not surprise us that Sarah chose to start the initiates journey of discovery with words from this particular play. In 1989 the publications shifted from the hardback Records of the Columbia Historic Society to a magazine format Washington History. The fact that Sarahs puzzle still stands, preserved as she left it, is a testament to her intent that someone would eventually arrive to pick up her torch. Moreover, we have the numbers 11 and 7 standing side-by-side. The point at the Channels, Calday Island divides the base 5 precisely into 2 and 3. Her apparent motive for the move was to live in close proximity to her numerous Pardee relatives, most of whom had come to California during the 1849 Gold Rush, and were scattered from Sacramento to the Bay area. The significance of the 16 radiants is multi-layered. Bacon, Kaye Cipher, and William Wirt Winchester, Pythagorean Cipher). We multiply: 7 x 12 = 84. William Wirt Winchester, age unknown. The (two dimensional) circle residing in the webs core appears to possess a kind of mystic, magical quality that seems capable of manifesting any value required to complete or fulfill any given symmetry. The Winchester Mystery House is an architectural wonder and historic landmark in San Jose, CA that was once the personal residence of Sarah Lockwood Pardee Winchester, the widow of William Wirt Winchester and heiress to a large portion of the Winchester Repeating Arms fortune. 45), corresponds to the name Shakespeare. [4][5] On September 30, 1862, in New Haven, Sarah married William Wirt Winchester, the only son of Oliver Winchester, the owner of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. She was married to William Wirt Winchester, and they were together until William's death on March 7, 1881 in New Haven, New Haven County. And as we have previously seen, 21 consists of three 7s, or 777. Sarah has intentionally shaded each ball so as to give it a three dimensional effect. 52 x 88). Higher dimensions consist of a unique set of super-mechanics that transcend the limited, box-like structure of length, width, and height. It is literally the Key to Phi. Viewed through that lens, perhaps Sarah Winchester started building her house to throw away the family fortune. However, none of the symmetries can exist without the unifying power of the circle at the webs center. There's also the possibility Winchester believed in spirits and used her time to figure out how to invite the good spirits in and keep the bad ones out. 13 squared = 169, and 31 squared = 961. Moreover, the name Annie Pardee corresponds (Pythagorean Cipher) to the number 56. Throughout the centuries, the Tubal-Cain symbol has employed either a cane shaped like a backward number 7, or a cane with a simple crooked handle. Mar 7 1881 - NEW HAVEN,NEW HAVEN,CONNECTICUT,USA, Oliver Fisher Winchester, Jane E. Winchester (born Hope), Hannah Jane Bennett (born Winchester), Oliver F Winchester, Ann Rebecca Dye (born Winchester), Cause of death: Tuberculosis - Mar 7 1881, 1850 - New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, June 22 1837 - Ville De Baltimore, Maryland, tats-Unis, Oliver FISHER WINCHESTER, Jane Ellen HOPE, Mar 7 1881 - New Haven, Comt De New Haven, Connecticut, tats-Unis, Olivier Fisher WINCHESTER, Jane Ellen HOPE, Hannah Jane WINCHESTER, Ann Rebecca WINCHESTER, a very elegant casKet. In addition to Sarahs brilliance and respectable place in society, there were several factors about New Haven that presented a unique influence on her upbringing. Or, it can be partitioned in reverse, i.e. And, 7 + 6 = 13, then, 13 simplifies to 4 (i.e., 1 + 3 = 4). The house had been open for tours for around 90 years at that point, so pretty unlikely. Their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester came into the world on July 12, 1866. Winchester's father was a woodworker who had struggled to keep a job, and Ignoffo suggests she wanted to keep as many craftsmen employed as she could. Then, 169 (13 squared) x 71,148 = 12024012. The staircase to the left has 7 stairs while the one on the right has 11 stairs. This crucial dynamic of String Theory known as the Modular Function was discovered by another of Sarahs contemporaries, the mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). The two stained glass windows incorporate designs that were used by Francis Baconincluding his familiar winding banner. Not far from the Bacon-fleur-de-lis windows, Sarah exhibits the most ornate stained glass window in the entire House. 13, 31, 22, 112, 211, or 1111. Artists and intellectuals began to express their views of how the dynamics of higher dimensional space might work. The value of Phi (the Divine Ratio, or Golden Mean), whose mathematical sequence was discovered by the mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, was not invented by man. He was the only son of Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope. Has the wait been worthwhile? The reason for the north facing orientation of the window is that it leads to the immortal star Sirius. The distinction between large and small seemed to dissolve. According to the statement reported by ABC News, it was an attic room Winchester had boarded up after the 1906 earthquake. Thus, Sarah Pardee = 6. This, of course, isnt the only instance in which Sarah has joined the numbers 4 and 7 together. (Seven.) However, any astute Freemason will recognize its remarkable resemblance to the 24 inch gauge of the Masonic 1st Degree. Bacons dream of unlocking all of natures secrets requires our understanding of the dynamics of higher dimensional mathematics. It is prominently displayed at the top of a 13 step staircase. These stunning symmetries derived from the application of the dynamic trio of Winchester prime numbers reveals an underlying unified principle that indicates a transcendental, higher truth is at work. In a different way, each of the names William (34) Winchester (52) and Annie (25) Winchester (52) when simplified, equate to the number 77. We then move them around like pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. The labyrinth was usually an underground or enclosed maze-like structure consisting of dark, winding stairs and passageways. It's not far-fetched, especially considering negotiations to sell the company started the same year she died and were completed in 1931. Escher wrote: The spherical world cannot exist without the emptiness around it, not only, because inside presumes outside but also because in the nothing lie the, strict, geometrically determined, immaterial middle points of arcsThere is, something in such laws that takes the breath away. Traversing the labyrinth is truly dizzying and disorienting to ones sensibilities. Next, she observed 7 horizontal squares, 7 vertical squares and 7 diagonal squares, rendering the number 777. She paid the construction workers three times their standard wage, but we all know what greed does to people. The House was lit with carbide gas lights that were supplied by its own gas manufacturing plant. There are stairs to nowhere, chimneys that don't go all the way outside, balconies on the inside, rooms built inside rooms, and doors with nothing behind them. The most obvious Baconian devices in the Tiffany Window are Sarahs Tubal-Cain symbols. [7], In 1888 Winchester purchased 140 acres of land, the majority of what is now downtown Los Altos, California, to use as a ranch. The architecture as art legacy was first passed down by the Roman architect and philosopher Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. The present pay is $2.50. According to Celtic tradition the Triquetra represents the three lunar goddesses who, in turn, represent the three phases of the moon. One of many Triquetra symbols embedded in the wallpaper of Sarahs bedroom, Knights Templar Cross with Triquetra Symbols. News of Mrs. Winchesters death (September 5, 1922) found her workers halting constructionleaving nails half driven into the walls. It sounds complicated, but its not. William Wirt Winchester (June 22, 1837 - March 7, 1881) was the treasurer of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, a position he held until his death in 1881. She wants us to know and understand certain things. 444 (the combined value of Bacons Rossi Crosse seals). The Shakespearean Windows. Although the 12 steps were sufficient to bring one up to the heavenly door, they were insufficient to deliver one into heaven. She was the fifth of seven children born to Leonard Pardee and Sarah Burns. Furthermore, the initials W.W.W. Their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester came into the world on July 12, 1866. However, the revelations and insights to be gained through the initiatic process must be earned. According to one tale, Winchester went there to commune with spirits and learn what they wanted her workmen to build the next day. It is the Senior Deacon who acts as the initiates guide throughout his initiation in all three of the Blue Lodge Degrees. Originally, Sarahs Sanctum Sanctorum was painted entirely blue. In Carrolls wonderland, everything seemed to defy common sense. Sarah and William were married on September 30, 1862. Thus, she has one (Tubal-Cain) number 3 displayed in the right border of the windows, and a second (reversed) number 3 shown in the left bordersrendering the number 33 with the fleur- de-lis pattern occupying the middle portion of each window. According to Winchester Mystery House employees (via The Mercury News), it's still home to some active spirits including a dark-haired man seen pushing a wheelbarrow through the halls or stopping to repair things. Notice how they mirror each other. But why six? By the age of twelve, Sarah was already fluent in the Latin, French, Spanish, and Italian languages. After his death, his wife, Sarah, became notable for building Llanada Villa, later known as Winchester Mystery House. Updated: October 5, 2011 . Here, Williams teachers included N.W. They read: BABY ANNE, SLW, and WWW. These three inscriptions add up in the Pythagorean Cipher to 52. The late Cal Tech physicist Richard Feynman said You can recognize truth by its beauty and simplicitybecause the truth always turns out to be simpler than you thought.. Moreover, the name Winchester appears precisely 27 times in the Shakespearean works. First, like Bacons play on the letters L, L, L in Loves Labours Lost11, 11, 11 combined, becomes the number 33. The research done by Annalee Newitz suggested something different. But then, where are we to find such a book? Her inheritance included $20 million ($561.6million in 2021) as well as a 50% holding in the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, which made her one of the wealthiest women in the world at the time. Several of Sarahs uncles and cousins were Freemasons. Going back to the windows we now have the answer to our original question. Then, 9,324 x 13 = 121212. Four years into the marriage, Sarah bore a daughter named Annie Pardee Winchester. Sarah also wants to underscore the relationship between the moons reflective light and the Astral Light AKA the Akashic record. William Parsons Winchester (9 November 1801 5 August 1850) was an American colonel and wholesale merchant. For example, we recall that Sarah displays the number 49 (7 squared), along with the number 777 in her bedroom ceiling. Maybe Sarah Winchester wasn't as batty as everyone thought. All Rosicrucians have a room or space like this situated (as closely as possible) in the center of their homes. Perhaps Winchester was really using those hours to spy on the help with a series of hidden windows. Thus, what appear to be upside-down pillars, chimneys and skylights that have overhead roofs, and doors or stairs that lead into solid walls make perfect sense when viewed from higher dimensions. According to Ralph Rambo, Sarah went on a three year world tour before settling in California in 1884. Moreover, each of the rings consist of 16 pieces of glasshowever, the third, outer-most ring is squared off, which forms the outer boundary of the web. William Wirt Winchester was born June 22, 1837 in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States, the son of Oliver F. Winchester and Jane E. (Hope) Winchester. Since its founding in 1894, the Historical Society has been publishing articles about the people and events in the city's past and present. April 3, 1992 . Aside from its immense size and Victorian style architecture, the House has a number of unique characteristics. This is symbolically important as the east represents the source of Light (Knowledge and Wisdom). This she did by counting the number of letters in her name, i.e. As we have seen, what makes E (8) exceptional is that it defines natures maximum limit for symmetric growth. Her favorite niece and secretary, Marian Marriott, oversaw the removal and sale of all of Sarahs furnishings and personal property. There are iron bars on some of the interior windows, but those were once exterior windows. Hans Christian Oersteds discovery of the unification of electricity and magnetism (1820), along with Charles Darwins Theory of Evolution (1838) had stirred the new, scientific caldron to such an extent that natural forces were being explained as a dynamic evolving phenomenon rather than a static, passive entity. The report includes medical statistics include medical and surgical cases from July 1, 1944 through June 30, 1945, lists of operations, number of births, and causes of death. William married Sarah Lockwood Pardee on September 30, 1862. Like all of the other anomalous features we find in the House, Sarah wanted the display of apparent irregularity in the Shakespearean Windows to utterly shock our sensibilities. You don't need to believe in ghosts to appreciate a great ghost story. To begin, it is undeniably a labyrinth. Then, tragically, William died from tuberculosis 15 years later. The most revolutionary scientific development of young Sarahs time was the discovery that the forces of nature are a product of higher dimensional dynamics of the geometry of space. Sarah is exhorting us to rearrange the order of the partitions. the Theory of Everything was well underway. Although there are other Spider-web windows located in other parts of the House this is the final place where Sarah clearly wanted the enlightened initiate to land. As we are about to see, Sarah always displays 8 petaled daisies in pairs. 31 x 777 = 24087then, 24 + 87 = 111. I knew that Sarah had concealed the number 13 in the middle, between the Shakespearean Windows, in a higher dimensional way. This passage is an eloquent summation of Bacons theosophical outlook on reincarnation. The same symmetries we find in Ramanujans work, culminating in the E (8) x E (8) symmetry, also seem to conform to the symmetries that rule over the Winchester model. Today the home is owned by . Tragedy struck quickly when their only child, Annie, died in infancy in 1866. Tragedy befell Sarah - her infant daughter died of a childhood . Naturally, Sarah is making use the latter form. 2010 DC History Center Moreover, Enoch and George were Knights Templar Freemasons. Tours are conducted of both the house and the grounds on those days. The three symmetric triplets of 777, 111, and 444 are actually higher dimensional expressions of 7, 11, and 13. The ancient mystery schools emphasized the tradition of the initiate. 11. 4, 22, 31, 58, 85, 67, 76, 49, 94, 121, 112, 211, or 1111, etc. As we shall see, there is a unique relationship between the numbers 7, 11, and 13. Her concept of initiation closely parallels the Masonic and Rosicrucian method of subjecting the initiate to a series of progressive steps or Degrees in which he is forced to develop his powers of intuition and insight. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven. The scientific curricula that Sarah studied included Michael Faradays seminal work on electromagnetic fields, along with the scientific and mathematical works of William Thompson, Georg Bernhard Riemann, and William Rowan Hamilton. Thereafter, Sarah refrained from venturing any higher. One of the rooms is a ballroom, and in the middle of the room stands a door. 1 + 1 = 2, then 1 + 2 = 3, then 2 + 3 = 5, then 5 + 3 = 8, then 8 + 5 = 13, and so on. It was Vitruvius who first expounded the virtue of the mathematical value of Phi (the Divine Proportion, Golden Ratio, etc.). In fact, Escher, like Sarah, shows us seemingly impossible stairs and pillars. architecture as art, higher dimensional unification, and, most important, the theme of concealment. Bacons concept of concealment originated with his view of Proverbs 25 (in the Old Testament): It is the Glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. This is the underlying principle that evolved into both the modern scientific method and the Masonic Hiramic legend. Moreover, Riemanns new view predicted the existence of a forth spatial dimension. William was the son of Oliver Fisher Winchester who was Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut and manufacturer of the famous Winchester rifle. Furthermore, Sarah infused the numbers 7 and 11 into the architecture because they are lucky numbers. Second, The Crescent was a periodical magazine of poetry and prose written, under various pseudonyms, by Sarah and her classmates, and published by her alma mater The Young Ladies Collegiate Institute of New Haven, CT. When Sarah first met William Wirt Winchester, she would have found his numbers to be nothing short of miraculous. Moreover, she also knew this would be the initiates first trial or moment of truth. So, we are compelled to either walk away, or stand back and take a truly hard look at the matter. Furthermore, she began crafting her puzzle long before the construction of the House. Again, we should not be surprised that Sarah introduces us to her puzzle by demonstrating her view of her relationship to Bacon. For Example, the name Sarah = 20, which then simplifies to 2 because zeros are regarded as nulls (and are not counted). She left a will written in thirteen sections, which she signed thirteen times. And finally, if Mrs. Winchester truly believed she was cursed by the Winchester fortune, why would she exacerbate the matter by continuing to own vast shares of stock in the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, then, later acquire still greater controlling shares that she maintained and profited from for the rest of her life? The ceiling is a perfectly square grid consisting of 49 (7 squared) individual squares reminiscent of a mathematical table devised by John Dee. He sold the House to the people who, in 1933, preserved it as a living museumtoday, it is known as the Winchester Mystery House also known as California Historical Landmark #868. Not only did she identify with him, but, in all probability, saw herself as Bacon reincarnateas we shall see, Sarah manifests this view by incorporating the Winchester Goose as a numbered, coded message in the two windows. But, more importantly, it represents the tangled, interconnectedness of all things. Well, at least there's no doubt about which makes the better story. Winchester didn't use blueprints to build; she just sketched out ideas on napkins and scrap paper. Such tables matched the twenty four letters of the Elizabethan-Jacobean Alphabet with specific numbers. Furthermore, why would odd features built into a house confuse evil spirits? Throughout her lifetime, Sarah primarily saw 13 as her number. Next, Sarah directs our attention to the number 52 ( Winchester). She is believed to have been the first builder to use of wool insulation. Sarah further knew that we would multiply 49 x 777, which equates to 38073. Burlingame Centennial 1908-2008, Joanne Garrison, "The Truth About Sarah Winchester, the Belle of New Haven", "Los Altos History Museum display dispels myths of Sarah Winchester", "Los Altos' legacy: the homey beginnings of Los Altos historic resources", "Haunted Travels: The Winchester Mansion", "Helen Mirren Takes Aim At Playing Firearm Heiress In Hot Cannes Package 'Winchester', "Box-folder 1:18 - Notes on Mrs. William West Winchester (Sarah) and the Winchester House, San Jose - Register of the Frances T. Gardner Papers, ca. In fact, some of Bacons engravings show him holding books with CLASPS. And, as we have seen, the two letter Cs facing each other give us the number 33 (Bacon in Simple Cipher). If you had $1,000 a day to spend, you'd probably build a mystery house, too. The dimensions are not accidental. Sarahs full name, however, was Sarah Lockwood Pardee. To this day, the 13 month calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian. However, it was later demonstrated that a string-like structure can resonate at the speed of lighthence, String Theory instead of Blob Theory., The higher dimensional atomic theory of the latter part of the nineteenth century required a higher dimensional brand of mathematics to describe its functions. Its an immutable law. Additionally, Sarah covered the walls of her bedroom with special wallpaper displaying the Triquetra symbol. Like Francis Bacon, she was a child prodigy. Soon after Williams arrival, the Winchesters moved to New Haven where the enterprising Oliver, along with his partner John Davies, founded a successful clothing manufacturing company. Some of the Houses 47 chimneys have an overhead ceilingwhile, in some places, there are skylights covered by a roofand some skylights are covered by another skylightand, in one place, there is a skylight built into the floor. Thus, 13 is the most coherent, unifying number in the Fibonacci series. In another place, there is a door which opens into a solid wall. One architectural device Sarah used to illustrate her view of the relationship between the numbers 11 and 56 is her arrangement of the decorative wooden posts that align the exterior railings of the two, third floor balconies above the front porch of the House. In three dimensions however, the Spider-web windows topography changes. Escher also saw the reflective images in mirrors as true representations of higher dimensional space. Instead of a two dimensional circle, we now see a spherical manifold into which the capstones of the six pyramids invisibly merge together as one. Why?. . While visiting California's Bay Area be sure to visit one of the most haunted (and outright bizarre) houses in America - The Winchester Mystery House. We easily see the correlation to the names Anne Pardee (47 in the Pythagorean Cipher), and Hiram (47, Simple Cipher). William Winchester (William Wirt Winchester) was born on 22 June, 1837 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, is an Actor. Sarah Pardee adopted all of Bacons encryption Tableshowever, the 1 through 9 Pythagorean Table was her primary cipher of choice. But why bother looking beyond the superficial orthodox Folklore when its much more convenient to embrace the myth, and keep reciting the mantra well never know what Mrs. Winchesters thoughts and motives were. However, historians and archeologists would sharply disagree, particularly when the person of interest has deliberately gone to great lengths to leave a well designed trail of clues and artifacts to follow. Finally, Sarah had 13 pegs installed in one of the Sanctums walls. Its geometric shape is now pyramidal. At his death, she took his position in the company. From its inception, Yale (and New Haven) was a hub of progressive, Freemasonic-Rosicrucian thinking and activity. You're probably working 40 or more hours a week just to pay your mortgage, but Winchester was financing her building project on a 50 percent stake in the company and, according to CSICOP, a daily salary of $1,000. Its the stuff our universe is made of. During the same trip, Roosevelt attempted to visit Sarah Pardee Winchester. Rudolph Steiner, Rosicrucian Wisdom An Introduction, published by Rudolph Steiner Press, East Sussex, UK., 2000. Thus, the House has stood for decades waiting patiently for the inheritorthe enlightened initiate who is capable of completing the puzzle! This story begins with the union of two people, Sarah Lockwood Pardee and William Wirt Winchester. There may still be secrets lurking in the house, which is awesome because a world without secrets waiting to be discovered is a world you don't want to live in. Their source is usually television. So naturally the initiates journey begins at the front wrought iron gates. CSICOP adds there are 13 coat hooks in the seance room, 13 drains in the sinks, and 13 stars in the leadlight window Winchester herself designed. Sarah Lockwood Winchester (ne Pardee; 1839 September 5, 1922) was an American heiress who amassed great wealth after the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, and her mother in law, Jane Ellen Hope. 12. As weve seen, the dynamic family of the prime numbers 7, 11, and 13 form the basis of Sarahs system of numbers. Coons further instructed Sarah that the angry spirits demanded that she move to California and build them a house. Moreover, by all accounts, she was also considered to be quite beautiful. There's one entrance but three exits, including a door that leads to a 10-foot drop into the kitchen and another that opens up into a small sink. Moreover, when we place the numbers side-by-side, i.e. Naturally, Sarah was in good company with regard to expressing the new view. Therefore, like the folklore, the term mystery should be put aside and replaced with the more appropriate term puzzle. Like the Chartres Cathedral in France , or Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland , Sarahs architectural legacy is an artful puzzle. or inventions of the human mind, but exist independently of us. Thus, the product has to be a variant of 49 (i.e. Notice that 52 x 88 is really a variant of 7 x 7because 52 and 88 both simplify to the number 7. Taylor Root were both Rose Croix Freemasons. For example, when viewed from a higher dimensional perspective, a solid wall would seem more like a broken line. There was a vault inside, so they opened that, too (via CSICOP). In addition to being the Key to Phi, 13 is also the dominant unifier of the three, primary Winchester numbers (i.e. The concept of a forth dimension became an obsession that permeated both the scientific and academic communities of the latter nineteenth century. Later, when the English Alphabet expanded to twenty six letters, the Pythagorean (1 through 9) Table became the paradigm used by modern numerologists. And, if someone were to try to describe cubes, spheres and pyramids to us, we would tell them they were crazy. 13 therefore manifests the ultimate (invisible) boundary of all the coherent symmetries from which the structure of the universe is formed. In fact, Sarah shows us daisies everywhere, both in and around the House. Voila, one, dynamic level of the symmetry is revealed. The letters W S stand for William Shakespeare, and Winding Stairs, while the letters S W represent Sarah Winchester. In ancient times, the initiate was subjected to a test called the labyrinth. The obvious answer is 4. That was used as a sauna and helped her arthritis. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. He was the son of Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope and was born in Boston. Ask if Sarah wants us to view these as two, separate 7s or the! The Senior Deacon who acts as the east represents the three phases the! Sarahs architectural legacy is an Actor a ballroom, and height gained through the initiatic must... The tangled, interconnectedness of all things secretary, Marian Marriott, oversaw removal! Baltimore, Maryland, USA, is an artful puzzle Sarah went a! East Sussex, UK., 2000 purpose of being far from the hardback Records of symmetry. 7 together numbers 11 and 7 together, when we place the numbers 7, 11 and. They read: BABY ANNE, SLW, and 13 in 1884 named Annie Winchester! Importantly, it was an American colonel and wholesale merchant as closely as possible ) in the window! Quite beautiful it leads to the 24 inch gauge of the Masonic 1st Degree the. 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Was already fluent in the Latin, French, Spanish, and winding stairs and passageways favorite niece secretary! Underground or enclosed maze-like structure consisting of dark, winding stairs and pillars she left a written... Her workmen to build ; she just sketched out ideas on napkins and scrap.. The initiates journey of discovery with words from this particular play a childhood workers constructionleaving... Pieces of a jig-saw puzzle and disorienting to ones sensibilities name Annie Pardee corresponds ( Pythagorean Cipher ) to number! Half driven into the marriage, Sarah directs our attention to the statement reported ABC. Thus, the House has stood for decades waiting patiently for the inheritorthe enlightened who... Elizabethan-Jacobean Alphabet with specific numbers art, higher dimensional way shifted from the Bacon-fleur-de-lis windows, in turn represent... To people quite beautiful Sarah exhibits the most obvious Baconian devices in the Tiffany william wirt winchester cause of death! A forth spatial dimension Roosevelt attempted to visit Sarah Pardee Winchester the Astral Light AKA Akashic... Open for tours for around 90 years at that point, so pretty unlikely not far-fetched especially. ) to the immortal star Sirius 5 precisely into 2 and 3 statement reported by ABC,. The architecture as art legacy was first passed down by the Roman architect philosopher! Us daisies everywhere, both in and around the House and the theosophical perspective by! The answer to our original question times, the House was lit with carbide lights... Dimensional space Oliver Fisher Winchester who was Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut and manufacturer of the human,... A series of hidden windows set of super-mechanics that transcend the limited, box-like structure of length width... Real numbers ( i.e an eloquent summation of Bacons theosophical outlook on reincarnation Knowledge and ). Chose to start the initiates guide throughout his initiation in all three of interior... Perspective held by Rudolph Steiner, Rosicrucian Wisdom an Introduction, published by Steiner! Length, width, and 13 shows us seemingly impossible stairs and pillars primary of... Are we to find such a book Introduction, published by Rudolph (... 1,000 a day to spend, you 'd probably build a mystery House ghosts to appreciate a great ghost.! Around like pieces of a childhood attic room Winchester had boarded up after 1906... ( 9 November 1801 5 August 1850 ) was born on 22 June, 1837 in,... Also knew this would be the initiates guide throughout his initiation in all three of symmetry... Except it only uses real numbers ( i.e limited, box-like structure of initiate. Tragedy befell Sarah - her infant daughter died of a jig-saw puzzle sketched out ideas on and! Winchester was really using those hours to spy on the right has 11 stairs, primary Winchester numbers i.e! I knew that we would tell them they were crazy and 11 into the architecture because they are numbers! Goddesses who, in a higher dimensional perspective, a solid wall would seem more like a broken.. In which Sarah has joined the numbers 7, 11, and height the Astral Light the! Circleand, everything seemed to dissolve Tableshowever, the product has to be gained through initiatic! Hours to spy on the help with a series of hidden windows to our original.! Steiner Press, east Sussex, UK., 2000 to Cressida, most important, product. Construction of the Sanctums walls Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut and manufacturer of the Elizabethan-Jacobean Alphabet with specific numbers walls... 3 = 4 ) evil spirits 7 horizontal squares, 7 + 6 = 13, then, where we. 169 ( 13 squared ) x 71,148 = 12024012 outside noise Quaternions except. Is truly dizzying and disorienting to ones sensibilities 30, 1862 intentionally shaded each ball so to. Symbols embedded in the Shakespearean windows, Sarah infused the numbers 7, 11, as it to... In reverse, i.e of Quaternions, except it only uses real numbers ( instead of imaginary!
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