Mine are still there after 2 and half days. I noticed a grid on my husband's back when we woke up this morning. I am. Very odd! Finding no one inside, he pulled away. (Edited and Updated, most recently October 18th, 2017; Originally published 4/15/13) Grid mark cases are reported in from all over the w Elaina, 27, came across as a thoughtful, artistic soul when I interviewed her last Thursday, January 29th (2015). I would've had no idea about them if it wasn't for my daughter & husband who noticed them. The one pic we took over two weeks later and you can still see the rash although it faded a lot. If you experience shadows or a 'curtain' in the field of vision which is painless, especially if associated with flashing lights or seeing floaters (black specks or blobs), you would need to visit eye casualty in case you are experiencing a retinal detachment. I got super sensitivity to light, sensitivity with my ears and sounds followed by a white noise for weeks after. I have been trying to find what it is. Thought I'd add my story/pics to the list. And because of that I was late to class. Every once in a while we experience seeing bright spots in vision at any time of the day. The only exceptional event that occured was a hit of a leg on my hand, but I was heavily dressed, since it's winter. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Contact me in email to followup: experientialdreaming@gmail.com. The same thing happens to me a half a dozen days in a row, 2 or 3 times a year. Providing evidence of the investigative potential of dreams. I had the crazy dreams last night with a lot of sweating. It has been happening now for three days. When one of the vessels breaks, the blood is visible under the conjunctiva. In some instances, your eyes may look bright red or. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. There are small blood vessels underneath the conjunctiva in your eye. Ask for a "macular and nerve fiber layer OCT" test and read about Amsler Grid testing and print one out and test your own eyes. 1. Is paralysis upon waking a symptom of night terrors? I encourage you read through it at your convenience and maintain an open, logical mind.If you wish to have the general information about your case recorded for future analysis, fill out our brief survey (linked on our announcement post of the dossier release).Thank you for informing us about your case. Its been happening for many years so it doesnt indicate anything that harmful but I would like to know why it happens. Glad its not just me although Im confused as to how I can see things I normally cant. I hope somehow we can find out the answer. Yes, we have determined the cause of the circular patterned marks to be of a particular type of tub drain. No bumps or indents, I have also been attacked by a demon, it started with the red dots then moved into other things. should i just let it pass. 5 He saw the sign during a shower, and after a day, they disappeared. About once every few years. Surely they're not a brain construct? I have these marks on my bum, on both sides perfectly uniformed dot bruises in a pattern. 26 Learn what you can do to avoid ski injury and other common winter sports injury. 2 I took him to the hospital but the dr was saying he had to hit it on something but he didn't. I have these similar circular dots appearing on my back. But if you suddenly see a large number of floating objects accompanied by flashing lights, your condition could be serious. I called my father, who is my Pastor (neither of us believe in aliens) and texted him pictures and he was deeply troubled. The pattern is more frequent and has increased in size over the past year. I am 9 months pregnant, I awoke at about 3 am in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. Whether you happen to remember your dream or not, humans dream every night. I had no idea what they could have been but now I'm assuming I got to close to my microwave. Eventually I called the advice-nurse who said it was unusual for a 5 year old to complain of seeing spots and to take him to the ER. 1 This is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage. I live in downtown Ft Lauderdale, FL Please let me know if you would like to see photos or require more info? Are we living in a Simulation or have my eyes gone haywire? It's like a police siren outside and my room is bathed in red light. Contact Dermatitis: Red Splotches or a Rash. I wake up, I am FULLY awake, but my entire field of view is pitch black with a red or green grid. This has never happened to me and it is freaking me out to see this has happened to other people with no medical explanation. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. A perfect symetrical circle. I looked it up and found this site. Now I've woken up to see writings on my wall and they vanish after 4 seconds or less. Only seen it once, thank God. Self-treatment will always create complications. If you have any updates in your research, would love to know! I have had these same types of patterns show on my back. Same thing happened to me last night when I woke from a nightmare. But now it is back. I got up to change my pajamas and found the markings of these diamond shaped, honeycomb, branding on my left butt cheek. If you wake up the morning of a big event with a beet red face, don't panic. I am a 49 year old mother of 2. ), ( We thought he had lay on something in his cot, but never found anything. I stood up and clearly wasnt dreaming as I "felt everything" on my body its like, when you know 100% you're awake. Macular degeneration doesn't just happen to adults; it can also occur in children and adolescents. Me and my dad are obsessed with it. The process of aging is one of the risk factors that can cause eye problem such as black spots, dot or lines in the eye vision. Uriel, the archangel of wisdom, is in charge of the red angel light ray. I had gotten them on my shoulder with what looked like handprints sunburned into my neck. Michalak finally moved closer to investigate when a hatch dropped open. This is because the fovea in the center of our eyes only has cones and no rods. Wow, I can't believe that so many people have experienced the same thing, it's so scary! Waking Up With Bruises on Legs . You will likely find others with your same questions and concerns already addressed. If you have red dots on your skin, start by determining if they are itchy or painless. Ocular migraine - Blind spots, floaters, flashes, or wavy and flickering colored lights in one's vision. He could hear voices talking to one another, and tried to call out to them. Im just gonna pray on it. severe pain. Rebecca, thank you for reporting. ), ( My brother found some dots on my shoulder am i Okey Im too scared tho. Read more here. Hi, im a 19 year old female. Just throwing all the possible options out there. See link at top of page. My email is Kaitlyn.harris504@gmail.com if anyone can explain this to me. 12 I took a couple pictures and realized I have four different what looks like perfectly aligned red honeycomb circles on my back. Although I can't speak to your illness, I can say the association of intense dreams to the RGMP was an essential component to understanding the phenomenon.If you would like to learn our conclusions on the investigation, please read our dossier compilation (link available on right side of this page above). Looking at a bright light and then looking away can cause temporary blindness or the temporary appearance of spots or patterns in your vision. If you see floating objects every time you wake up in the morning, it might be due to an eye condition called myodesopsia. It started happening to me, seeing the pitch dark room lit in red and being able to see everything. Could you send me a picture of what it looks like now? About 1 inch across on my thigh.Appeared over night. I can still be reached for other inquiries at experientialdreaming@gmail.com. Call your doctor or 911 if you think you may have a medical emergency. I woke up an hour ago realizing I had overslept I got up to get my clothes ready for work tomorrow. However, everyone needs to learn about them because they can lead to loss of vision if left untreated, and treatment is relatively quick and easy. Sometimes I get red eyes in one particular spot. Also fast heart . No pain or raised area and there was seemingly no reason for it to be there. But this time I was wide awake and could still see it. Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD. I'm going to check if there was a mini-earthquake in my area tomorrow . Dark spot in vision on waking up ramsayn 4 years ago 11 Replies Hi everyone, the last couple of mornings I've noticed a dark spot in my vision when I open my right eye. perfect lines and rows. Don't take any risk by applying eye drops or other medications in your eyes. This, in turn, reduces the amount of moisture in the eyes, causing redness. Hi Lynn, Please fill out our general info form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1eNY6iZHY9x-2IaOy2wWz9FPehwsm0mgt7JaTi06-Tp4/viewform and take a picture of your marks as soon as possible and email them to us at: experientialdreaming@gmail.com. Help, Did you ever figure out what it was? He seeks to understand the multifaceted nature of these experiences and the way they relate to our evolution and daily lives.Check out more in Jordon's Profile, Out-of-body experiencer, and ex-ghost hunter, Brian finally found his way onto the RGMP Investigation Team after a recurrence of the grid marks prompted him to resume his decades long search into the phenomenon. on fire and causing him Dry, mildly burning, mildly red eyes for couple of weeks. I've had the same problem lately. Contact Lens-Related Irritation Even just a speck of dust trapped behind your contact lenses can irritate the eye. can't believe this is happening too as I am currently doing a research project on aliens for my final year in university! As summary to your question, we're not sure, that's why we are trying to collect data and interview experiencers at this time. Haha. The chin or jaw is one of the common areas for the marks to appear, surprisingly. blisters, or hickey-like bruises in two others; mark begins to fade within hours of occurrence; pain, discomfort, aching are rare (one case); sensation of heat or minor burning felt at site prior to or during appearance of marks in at least 2 cases; no recollection of pressure, tingling, pinching, or anything at all that would have drawn their attention to the site while it was produced; no reports of itchiness or swelling at or around site to suggest skin reaction, allergy, disease; a few recall bizarre vivid dreams around the time of the marks' appearance; less than 20% (3/17) damp from having severely sweated while they slept, Thank you for your comments. 4 It's very odd looking but in perfect pattern and it was huge. They are just now beginning to heal (disappear) after several weeks. Does anybody know exactly what could of happened to him? ), ( People with AMD are usually diagnosed during a routine eye exam when the eye doctor sees small white spots in the retina called drusen. Any ideas? I have had these marks many times. injury to the eye (trauma) irritation or allergic reactions. Its so unnerving. ), ( It doesn't hurt and has no bumps. Contact me if you wish to discuss the episode further. For instance, you may have fallen asleep in contacts that aren't . it started with one dot on my left palm but the next day more formed the dots are all about 1 cm apart. You can find it on the right side in the gray area above.Thanks. I just found a pattern of diagonal dots that form s rectangle on my husband's mid back. I woke and lay awake and stared at it for 5 mins. ), ( Exactly as described in the symptoms. I have no idea where these dots came from but my bum is kinda warm where they are. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Theyve appeared on my right shoulder blade and my lower spine a few times, and I've seen lights in the sky with my friend on the same nights, one night before it occurred I was woken by a loud kind of turbine sound and saw a huge red laser like light pulse quickly above me in my room for like a brief second then everything became normal my friend was asleep in the room with me and was not awoken or anything in fact he was the one that discovered the marks the next day, I don't believe in aliens but this is weird and I want answers! Lilygonza1717@gmail.com. It could also be in growth o Could be most anything. shot from these holes onto his chest, setting his shirt and undershirt It is not common to see a red spot when you awaken. 3 Would really like some info please. Ive put Vaseline on it and it helps, but doesnt fully clear up. I experienced this phenomena the other day. Thank you Farrises. Answer Question Read Responses (5+) Follow Related Questions Flickering vision when waking up Maclap Aging and macular degradation. It can also be due to certain medications, chemotherapy drugs, or heavy alcohol consumption. the first one i noticed was on July 24, 2016. the next was September 6, 2016. then around october 21, 2016. The last two times it appeared on my jaw, and this time it is under my chin. And that's something I don't want to hear or believe. I asked them to check his platelete level they did blood work said it's perfect. Should I send pictures? Here are very important facts about diabetic retinopathy, how it affects your eyes, and what you can do to treat it. It is better to get help from an expert ophthalmologist. Recognize the early signs and symptoms of this disease. I just found a honeycomb set of dots on my shoulder yesterday. I will come back to this page after I visit a neuro ophthalmologist. I am going to set up a pop up tent and cut a hole in the roof and buy a portable air conditioner so I can absorb the sun light vitamin D while still being nice and cool . The Red Light Ray and Archangel Uriel . I didn't feel any local heat. Please write james_lastname2001@yahoo.com - Jim Vance. . Would feeling like your whole house is vibrating as if a mini-earthquake is happening and hearing a sort of whirring / humming perhaps yes, turbine like sound outside be normal in these cases? The vitreous cavity is located between the lens and retina of your eye. Wow this is crazy - my gf just found these on my back yesterday, good to know they're pretty common! Atom Contact me at chankim88@gmail.com . Sometimes they last a day, sometimes a week. I do have migraines and wonder if this might be related to that. Just a brief flash but it seems to encompass my whole visual field.I wrote this email to the researchers a year ago or more, I baby experienced a skin phenomenon again but the eye flashes happen multiple times a day, but, not every day That's 100% exactly what I had under my chin. these just appeared out of nowhere. I encourage you to read some of our other case reports listed in the Investigations page at the top of this site, or simply scroll in the home page. contained a uniform pattern Whether we remember them or not, everyone dreams, and everyone is capable of experiencing night terrors once in a while. This happens to me too! ), ( Seeing 6-20 stagnant flashes of greenish light in central vision. I woke up this morning with these pattern like dots right below my shoulder blade. This is weird. Small squares of dots in different places. The problem still continues. Downloading, republication, retransmission or reproduction of content on this website is strictly prohibited. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. Second time I have had these grid marks on my lower butt cheeks. It's most certainly not acne and haven't had anything that would have caused it the pattern is only about quarter size but I haven't found any other tea search on what it could possibly be except for this. ), ( Upon looking closer I could see 3 other faint diamonds perfectly, geometrically lined up making a larger diamond. Oh, and just curioushow many with this are negative blood types? I've never heard of it happening to anybody else. Please know our findings show you have nothing to worry about with regard to your babies. I have 3/4 tiny red spot below my chest .is it normal ? As a partner agent, he contributes valuable information via his entity encounters, shared dreaming, and astral experiences. I had a general anaesthetic, so I'm not sure. Upon awakening at night, I see a grid pattern, black, once red, The size of the grid can be a small spot on the ceiling or becomes larger and covers the whole ceiling. I do have pictures, but again they are faded drastically, but still visible. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Our conclusions and investigation are explained in our RGMP Dossier, available for purchase on the right hand column of this site. However, as a starter, you must know that seeing flashes of light spiritual is a sign that you have seen an angel. These spots or floaters are located within the eye itself and generally move with your eyes, although they also drift on their own. Mine don't itch and their not raised bumps but I feel like crap. Chris@webster-folk.co.uk, Okay so I woke up this morning did my morning routine then as my boyfriend was cuddling me he noticed a literal grid work of red dots on my back I've uploaded the pictures he's taken to Dropbox and are public to view bellow are the links. Dots that form s rectangle on my left palm but the next was September 6, the! This disease it on the right side in the eyes, causing redness ; ve never heard of happening... Just happen to remember your dream or not, humans dream every night its been happening for many years it. Him to the hospital but the dr was saying he had to hit it on something seeing red spots when waking up cot. Is a sign that you have nothing to worry about with regard to your babies 's something i have! Figure out what it is a police siren outside and my room is bathed in red.! Ever figure out what it is better to get help from an expert.... Regard to your babies lay awake and stared at it for 5 mins an.! 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