It's Superman!" The idea of a super hero has captivated mankind from Hercules to Spiderman. We are specifically looking for people to translate ourMark of the Beast gospel tract. We are a non profit organisation and the people designing the gospel tracts do it because they want to serve the Lord in the way they can. To Order: Simply select the option that applies to your locale and click on the Add to Cart button. Are You Ready? A very attractive presentation of a very inviting verse, with a good short Gospel. pagination. But you bet some time in the feature I will! Tract cards are often better received and better kept than traditional gospel tracts. Tract cards are often better received and better kept than traditional gospel tracts. Thank you Jesus! Generally, the designs available correspond to the Thank You Card designs currently available. Discover Card Gospel Tracts (Customized/Bulk) $100.00 (1) Select Options. And then three days later He forever defeated sin and death when He rose from the grave. Let's look at Gods moral standard the Ten Commandments, and see. Have you made a god to suit yourself? 2009-{{year}} The Game Crafter, LLC. Fathers Love Letter Gospel Tract Printable PDF. (verified owner) January 5, 2017. Are You Redeemed? bondagethe bondage of sin. We all put our faith in something, even if we arent religious, ie: Evolution, Science, The New Age, a Heavenly God etc What is your faith of choice? Dwayne Get Notified When A New Tract Becomes Available. Cocktails. Be sure to select your desired version when ordering. WWW.1687FOUNDATION.COM READ AND PHONE FOR A PASSWORD TO GET IN TO THE ORDER FORM REQUEST. A convenient assortment of 50thank you/tip cards and tract cardsjust enough to. By your own standards you are probably a very good person. This will take you to our payment processing page. All rights reserved. I have not bought it yet! Do something for the kingdom of God while you are able to. Five are award-winning. Do You Know: How Much Blood Your Heart Pumped Last Year? Left him one of these gift card fully free films tracks six months ago. Obey the gospel today. Have you looked with lust and therefore committed adultery in your heart? Personalize on our website:, A convenient assortment of 50thank you/tip cards and tract cardsjust enough to fill the small tract card wallet. I can see people this taking these like hotcakes! Ideal to hand to people or leave in places: Place it in a birthday or Christmas card. 4) You will receive proofs of your custom gospel tract . New designs are introduced annually but are often available for several years following their introduction. , The massive Cullinan diamond is precious but the Lord Jesus Christ is a far greater treasure. Every tract is available in both KJV and NKJV versions. Story Time is The Most Important 10 Minutes in a Child's Day! Movie Gift Card. , Laminated, Assorted Designs, 3.5"x2.38", 2pages, Who isn't interested in a Free Ticket? If you have done these wrong things, one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But God is also merciful, loving, and kind in that He provided one way to escape that punishment; and that was through the gift of His Son Jesus Christ. It contains the Law of Moses (Torah), the Psalms of David, the books of Solomon, the books of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and others. The Fathers Love Letter is a popular combination of Bible verses that can be used to share Gods love with others. Small (3.5x2) Medium (4.25x2.75) Large (5x3 and Larger) Products [17] Submit. If you are honest, you know you will be found guilty on the Day of Judgment. Free gospel tracts and Bible tracts for free download and reprint in over 60 languages. Colorful images and high-quality, glossy paper increase appeal. 101 of the World's Funniest One Liners. Particularly recommended for Independence Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans' Day distribution. If you would like to donate, we will use that donation to print more tracts. If you repent and trust in Him, God will forgive your sins and grant you everlasting life. These two messages are life-changing. A short explanation of the Bible for Muslims. Do you love Him with "heart, mind, soul and strength?" , Assorted designs. Do not click the Back button in your browser. This full-color, glossy card directs the reader to watch all of Living Waters most popular free YouTube movies at Credit Card Gospel Tracts *This is not a game, these are gospel tracts for witnessing! Have you used His name in vain? (Mini Gospel Tract Card, Packet of 100, KJV),, Because He Lives (Mini Gospel Tract Card, Packet of 100, KJV),,, Call His Name Jesus (Mini Gospel Tract Card, Packet of 100, KJV),, Call His Name Jesus (Mini Gospel Tract Card, Packet of 100, NKJV),,,,,, Credit Card Gospel Tract - 100ct pckg (2 x 3-1/2),,, Find the Pumpkin (Mini Gospel Tract Card, Packet of 100, NKJV),, From God with Love (Mini Gospel Tract Card, Packet of 20, KJV),, From God with Love (Mini Gospel Tract Card, Packet of 100, Spanish),, Got Your Ticket? The tract was evangelical in nature and was designed to tell his story and present the gospel. These are designed to be handed out for witnessing purposes. If you have never given out tracts, why not begin today? The scriptures are Rom 3:23; 1 Tim 1:15; 2 Cor 7:10; 1 Cor 15:1-4; and Rom 10:13. Credit Card Gospel Tract - 100ct pckg (2 x 3-1/2) One Million Tracts Find the Pumpkin (Mini Gospel Tract Card, Packet of 100, NKJV) Amazon Use tab to navigate through the menu items. A classic Gospel message in a mini-form! Download Hinduism Christian Tract For more details and support, please visit read more BUT, you can download and print the tracts on this website for free yourself on your printer or you can get them professionally printed at your cost. TO PRINT THE TRACTS. BANK OF HEAVEN - Alpha Squad Heroes - Miss Sunshine. Scripture Cards for Kids, Set of 8, Verses about the Gospel, Instant Download ColorandKindness (404) $5.00 Your Life Matters! Are You Redeemed? Romans 6:23 - Ephesians 5:2 - Revelation 1:18 - John 1:7 - John 8:36. And many pay much for a hot onemore than. Read the back, it explains how Jesus pre-paid our fine, before we did the crime. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Went in this morning to find living Waters films playing on the TV and him talking with another customer about the films! Select Options. Have you disobeyed your parents, or have you been greedy, or hated someone? (Packet of 100, KJV),, Repent / Ye Must be Born Again Gospel Tracts 120 count Tract Pack,, Scripture Business Cards Set of 48 Tracts,, Sixty Second Gospel (Postcard Gospel Tract, Packet of 100, NKJV),,,, The Man Card Gospel Tract - 100ct pckg (2 x 3-1/2),,, Wages or Gift? An intimate message from God to you. Prepaid Credit: By your own standards you are probably a very good person, but the Bible clearly states that at the end of your life you will be judged by a holy God who has PERFECT standards for holiness. REQUIREMENTS: Our copyright notice, credit notice, website site address must remain intact. Set of 50 Assorted Tract Cards #7244, $5.00 Quantity Price Each 1-11 $5.00 12-49 $4.15 50-99 $4.00 100+ $3.00 The whole world loves the idea of an invincible hero who saves lives. I accidentally received this in a shipment from LW and it was a wonderful accident I have thoroughly enjoyed handing these cards out! All rights reserved. "We, little fishes, after the image of our IXOYE, Jesus Christ, are born in the water". This is a genius idea to create a gift card tract with the movies on it. $ 6.00. My busy barber has a huge flatscreen in front of his chairs that was always playing documentaries. Story Time is The Most Important 10 Minutes in a Child's Day! GET YOUR FREE BOOK - 7 Days The Story of Gods Creation here: Little Fishes Books - Children's Christian Learning, 7 Days The Story of Gods Creation: Learn the Days of the Week: Volume 1 (Little Fishes Sunday School Series). If you are ordering customised tracts, Please do not forget to give us the church or MINISTRY INFORMATION that should be on the tracts on the ORDER NOTES. A Personalized Tract Card: Special Custom Imprint Edition, Per Specified Design, Come Unto Me Tract Card: Matthew 11:28, Full Verse, Deluxe Motion Tract: (Blooming Rose) You Are LovedSacrificially, Unconditionally, EternallyJohn 3:16, Ephesians 2:4-5, Romans 8:35-39, Deluxe Motion Tract: (Blooming Sunflower) Follow the Son John 8:12. Download Hinduism Christian Tract For more details and support, please visit I mention Ive seen all of them once, and a few twice, so passing them along! Many of these Card tracts may be ordered directly from Moments With the Book. View/Download the above Gospel Tract Booklet for Free. The plan of salvation is described on the back only using scripture from the King James Bible. I love this photo or rather what the sandwich board says: The Truth sounds like Hate to those Who Hate Truth. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.. We no longer print and ship these ourselves. This will take you to our payment processing page. I also like to add these as an extra bonus when I give out tracts and DVDs. 2) Decide what size you want your custom gospel tract to be and what quantity you want to order. They dont look at you with suspicion when they receive but rather gratitude that you are giving them this free gift..incredible response to the movie gift card. You can also create your very own custom Gospel tracts! God Has A Wonderful Plan For Your Life (PDF). IQ test Godisnowhere. American Express Gospel Tracts-Round Corners (Customized/Bulk) $100.00. Send them to your professional printer and have them print them like a business card but with rounded corners for an authentic credit card appearance. Our gospel tracts are designed to grab peoples attention while not compromising the gospel message. We are always looking for saved believers to translate the gospel tracts into other languages. OUR SUPER DUPER! A beautiful gospel tract in the hands of a grumpy, seemingly bored Christian will not move as quickly as an ordinary-looking gospel tract in the hands of a genuinely enthusiastic and friendly Christian. Our Gospel Tracts are free as the Lord provides, the payment covers the postage and credit card processing fee. This tract gives a simple explanation of God's plan of Salvation. Generally speaking, there are four sizes of gospel tracts: business card, baseball card, tri-fold (1/2 sheet), and tri-fold (full sheet). Have you taken anything that belongs to someone else? Yet the insertion of a gospel tract into the card can be a gentle reminder to the believer and a tug at the heart of the unsaved. This simple, attractive business card sized Gospel tract can be downloaded on your computer and then printed out on your home printer or printed professionally. The digital files are completely, totally free but if you want to print it youll have to pay for that yourself., If you want to learn more about Children's Christian Learning visit: Romans 6:23 - Ephesians 5:2 - Revelation 1:18 - John 1:7 - John 8:36. , Roger Jesus Christ suffered and died on the Cross in your place so you could go free. Oh, did I mention in the upper portion too of the public bath room mirrors? Then Print from Your Computer on your own Printer. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Free Credit Card Tracts The popular Gospel Credit Card Tracts that were designed by Heath, in Melbourne, Australia are now free to download. (verified owner) April 21, 2018, I love this track! 3) Make a down payment on your order, to start the design process on your custom gospel tract. Since only a few weeks had passed we were still in shock, but after conferring with our Pastor we decided to write Kristins story and get them printed. Gospel tracts, Bible tracts, Free gospel tracts, free bible tracts, gospel tracts for download, soul winning, kjv gospel tracts, kjv bible tracts, uk soul winning, soul winning UK. Leave them in a shopping cart or give them out when you pay for something. (Mini Gospel Tract Card, Packet of 100, KJV),, Jesus Saves (Mini Gospel Tract, Packet of 100, KJV),, John 3:16 (Mini Tract) (Packet of 100, KJV), John 3:16 (Mini Tract, NKJV) (Packet of 100, NKJV),, Let All the World Know That Jesus Saves (Mini Gospel Tract, Packet of 100, KJV),,,, One Nation Under God? THE CHRISTIAN BOOKS FOR ADULTS AND YOUTH/CHILDREN Do you have a Gospel Tract that you would like to make freely available to anyone who wants to print some out? Carol and I were almost immediately impressed that the Lord would be pleased with that kind of effort. (Be honest.) Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Written for those with an interest in spirituality and spiritual leaders, such as the Buddha and the Dalai Lama. , Full Color Laminated Tract Card, 3.5"x2.5", 2pages, Many have sacrificed much for freedomand still have not been free of the greatest bondagethe bondage of sin. -Excellent for gas pumps He died on the cross a death He did not deserve, in order to take upon Himself the punishment you rightly deserve, for your sins against God. Posted {{|timeago}}. , Joshua OUR SUPER DUPER! We keep your data private and do not share your information with third parties. Do You Know: What's the Heaviest Diamond Ever Found. Home Gospel Tracts Gospel Tracts All of our Gospel Tracts measure 3.5 x 5.5 inches and are printed on glossy paper. Good to leave at restaurants with your tip! Have you always honored your parents? Have you ever told a lie? Download Free Credit Card Gospel Tracts >. Send it to a friend as an attachment or print as many as you like. If the below fields are visible, ignore them. Then He rose from the grave and defeated death. If you want to learn more about Children's Christian Learning visit: Click To Download Free Gospel Tract Files,, Verse quotations from the KJV. Eye catching and thought provoking tracts using KJV version. This unique card is a keeper , Distracted driving is dangerous. , The average heart muscle works hard but can't compare with the heart of God that expresses an eternal love. On 250gsm light card. Welcome to Free Gospel Tracts brothers and sisters. Credit Card Gospel Tract - 100ct pckg (2 x 3-1/2) 0 Review (s) Your Price: $4.95 In Stock. If so, please contact us via our website's contact enquiry form, or send us an email. (verified owner) June 1, 2018. God loves you so much that He sent his only Son Jesus Christ to take the punishment of our sins upon Himself. Send them to your professional printer and have them print them like a business card but with rounded corners for an authentic credit card appearance. A small business card sized Christian tract. Instead He offers you complete forgiveness at the expense of His only Sons life (Jesus voluntarily gave his life as a sacrifice on a cross to PREPAY your punishment before you did the crime). Ill say Heres a movie gift card with some awesome Movies on back. Many times He does these things in answer to prayer and often He performs miracles through his followers. I hope you enjoy them.. Just contact us, and we can make your vision a reality! God sent His Son, Jesus, who took the punishment you deserve by dying on the cross for you: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Then He rose from the dead, defeating death. Download and print your own copies of this popular Gospel Tract that looks very similar to a credit card. So please take a look at our translation project if you are able to help with this. Please note that we DO NOT SELL TRACTS. But God loves you so much that He made a way for you to be forgiven and go to Heaven instead. Ill say Heres a movie gift card tract with the movies on it of! I accidentally received this in a single bound, God will forgive your sins and grant everlasting! Particularly recommended for Independence Day, and Veterans ' Day distribution peoples while... { year } } the Game Crafter, LLC are able to leap buildings. Send it to a friend as an attachment or print as many as you like and defeated death God. Unique card is a genius idea to create a gift card tract with the.... Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription 3.5x2 ) Medium ( )... Believers to translate the gospel tracts are designed to grab peoples attention while compromising. 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Latin Word For Chaos Bringer, Articles C